What are some things that let you know about your emotional health? Well–how do you feel? Your moods-what kind of moods take up most of your day? Is there any particular mood that dominates the others?
Do you feel peaceful, relaxed? When a crisis happens, do you jump right in and react or are you able to step back, think it over, and then respond? Or are you somebody who is proactive in the first place, moving toward what you want your life to be, and, therefore, avoiding many things that could have potentially been a crisis in your future?
When you live your life proactively you avoid a lot of hurts. You avoid a lot of setbacks. Ah, but you have to know where you are going to be proactive. You need to look at what the possibilities are for you to move yourself along toward accomplishing and realizing those possibilities.
So getting back to the possible types of reaction when something happens in your life…What happens to you in the moment you react? Let’s face it here, not one of us is going to be so perfect that we are always doing proactive behaviors, or that we are always stepping back in the most awful crisis to think before we respond.
Many of us are going to flat out react in the moment. Now, what happens when you react to a situation? What happens for you? After the time has passed, how do you handle what happened? What was the cause? What was the effect of the action you took when you reacted to the situation?
Just become aware of things like that. You don’t have to take notes or write big stories around them. You don’t have to write big affirmations about how you are not going to do that any more.