Losing weight can be tough, but if you can build in some exercise on top of cutting the calories, it can get a whole lot easier. Here are the top three exercises for weight loss, according to my own personal trainer.
Walking or jogging
Walking is one of the easiest ways to lose weight, and even those who aren’t very physically active can get started. Even if you only factor in a half-hour walk a day, every little helps and will see you starting to shed the pounds. If walking isn’t enough of a challenge, you can kick it up a gear by taking up jogging and really getting your heart pumping. Another big advantage to walking or jogging is that you can do it with other people, so find yourself either a willing friend or a personal trainer and you introduce a social aspect to working out.
According to Harvard Health, swimming burns off between 180 and 252 calories per half hour), depending on your weight. Swimming can also be an incredibly relaxing form of exercise, so doing a few lengths in the pool on a regular basis can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Because it’s a low impact exercise, swimming is kinder on your joints, which may already be under strain if you’re a little overweight. That also means it’s perfect for those suffering from joint conditions such as arthritis, or those recovering from an injury.
Pilates may not burn off as many calories as walking, jogging, or swimming, but it’s an enjoyable form of exercise and low intensity, so you’re more likely to stick with it. Another way to ensure you keep up with the workout would be to join a local Pilates group or formal class if you think you’d benefit from tuition. Pilates has grown so much in popularity that you should have no trouble at all finding a tutor. You can, however, simply grab a yoga mat and give it a try from the comfort of your own home, until you feel confident enough to join a group.
Of course, the amount of weight you will lose depends on several factors, including your diet, age, gender and starting weight. To really see a difference, you should try and combine exercise with healthy eating and set yourself some realistic goals. Exercise becomes so much easier to maintain when you work out with other people because it makes it more enjoyable, and you can often find more motivation with their support.
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